Главная Обратная связь

Our Company


"Lamel-777", Scientific and Production Additional Liability Company (Note: renaming into ALC "Disperse Materials Technologies-777" - "TDM-777" is slated) was set up and registered in the State Register of the Republic of Belarus in 1997 and is a member of the chamber of Trade and Commerce of the Republic of Belarus.

The Company develops and produces processing equipment and lines for physical and mechanical processing of a variety of disperse materials, including metallic and non-metallic mineral raw materials and various industrial wastes.

Activities :

  • development, production, delivery, and engineering of equipment, processing lines and manufactures.

  • Technical Expertise and re-equipment of current processing lines and manufactures.

Processing equipment and lines under "MelF" trademark used in various industrial fields: construction materials industry, mining and concentrating industry, chemical industry, and industrial wastes reprocessing industry, can be applied for

  • wet and dry milling;

  • air classification;

  • air separation;

  • dry treatment of metallic and non-metallic materials.

  • paint and paint materials manufacturing;

Our expertise and skills of designed equipment introduction into various fields as well as diversity of construction solutions allow considering peculiarities of customer's processes and cost-effective adjustment of supplied equipment to current processing lines. If required, equipment or a processing line can be installed at the customer's manufacturing site with maximization of existing equipment.

For the period of 10 years we've developed and supplied more than 250 units of processing equipment for various industrial fields in Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Check Republic, Kazakhstan, and Azerbaijan.

The goal of our specialists is not just equipment supply, but rather a search of the best solutions for technological challenges of our customers. That is why our cooperation starts with joint analysis of technological goals at the customer's manufacturing site which very often results in adjustment of technical specifications or feasibility of a processing chain.

Since data exchange on the results of processing lines and equipment operation is mutually beneficial and allows continuous updating of equipment and optimization of processing, customer relations do not end with completion of installation and start-up works, as our top priority is partnership.

A wide range of possible applications of designed equipment makes us maintain and enhance contacts with specialists engaged in process development and processing of disperse materials. This allows us attract professional experience and skills to challenge your tasks.

Looking forward to mutual cooperation and your offers!


+375 (017) 286-17-63

Директор: Мельников Алексей Васильевич
Tel/Fax: +375 (017) 286-17-63
Tel/Fax: +375 (017) 286-17-64

Тех. директор: Фогелев Владимир Арсеньевич
Tel: +375 (017) 286-17-63
Tel: +375 (017) 286-17-64

E-mail: Lamel777@mail.ru